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Outdoor Projector Enclosures
VIZBOX mounting options. Design engineers will consult and build enclosures to mount in the most effective manner based on the project. See gallery of installations. http://www.projector-enclosures.co.uk/mounting-options/
Read more Mounting Options for VIZBOX Outdoor and Environmental Projector EnclosuresU.S. software giant Microsoft is set to win unconditional EU antitrust approval for its $7.5 billion purchase of privately held coding website GitHub, two people familiar with the matter said on Monday. http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/reuters/topNews/~3/zoaDWNXG9pQ/exclusive-microsofts-7-5-billion-github-deal-set-for-eu-approval-sources-idUSKCN1MI1A9
Read more Exclusive: Microsoft’s $7.5 billion GitHub deal set for EU approval – sourcesChildren in the Indonesian city of Palu began returning to school on Monday to tidy up their classrooms and hopefully see their friends 10 days after a major earthquake and tsunami struck. http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/reuters/topNews/~3/wRINyYqK8ls/some-children-return-to-school-in-indonesia-quake-city-hoping-to-see-friends-idUSKCN1MI05S
Read more Some children return to school in Indonesia quake city hoping to see friendsAmericans William Nordhaus and Paul Romer, pioneers in adapting the western economic growth model to focus on environmental issues and sharing the benefits of technology, won the 2018 Nobel Economics Prize on Monday. http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/reuters/topNews/~3/Y-0s4bdJf84/economics-of-climate-change-innovation-win-nobel-prize-for-u-s-duo-idUSKCN1MI0UN
Read more Economics of climate change, innovation win Nobel Prize for U.S. duoSociety would have to enact “unprecedented” changes to how it consumes energy, travels and builds to meet a lower global warming target or it risks increases in heat waves, flood-causing storms and the chances of drought in some regions as well as the loss of species, a U.N. report said on Monday. http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/reuters/topNews/~3/uXlsgJDq-rk/u-n-warns-world-must-take-unprecedented-steps-to-avert-worst-effects-of-global-warming-idUSKCN1MI022
Read more U.N. warns world must take “unprecedented” steps to avert worst effects of global warmingA crash that killed 20 people in upstate New York is a “wake-up call” for limousine safety, the chief of the federal agency investigating what happened to a stretch limo taking passengers to a surprise birthday party said on Monday. http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/reuters/topNews/~3/kwl_JfvVc5I/new-york-crash-that-killed-20-a-wake-up-call-for-limo-safety-regulator-idUSKCN1MH0SM
Read more New York crash that killed 20 a ‘wake-up call’ for limo safety: regulatorTropical Storm Michael is expected to become a hurricane on Monday and was on track to hit the Florida Panhandle midweek, with the potential to pack winds of at least 100 miles per hour (160 km per hour), the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) said. http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/reuters/topNews/~3/wcSu5tgRn8g/fast-evolving-storm-michael-expected-to-slam-florida-as-hurricane-idUSKCN1MI0KA
Read more Fast-evolving storm Michael expected to slam Florida as hurricaneAn earthquake hit northern Haiti late on Saturday, killing at least 14 people and sparking a scramble by rescue agencies to help residents of the worst-hit towns in the impoverished Caribbean country. http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/reuters/topNews/~3/4qWtYRfW1oo/haiti-quake-kills-at-least-14-aftershock-jolts-nervous-residents-idUSKCN1MH028
Read more Haiti quake kills at least 14, aftershock jolts nervous residentsGoogle welcomed a decision on Monday by London’s High Court to block an attempt to bring legal action over claims it had collected sensitive data from 4 million iPhone users in England and Wales. http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/reuters/topNews/~3/PqIBzStfYy8/google-welcomes-uk-court-block-on-claim-over-data-collection-idUSKCN1MI0XJ
Read more Google welcomes UK court block on claim over data collectionChildren in the Indonesian city of Palu began returning to school on Monday to tidy up their classrooms and to help gather data on how many will be coming back 10 days after a major earthquake and tsunami hit their city. http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/reuters/topNews/~3/u1wr7UPEssw/children-trickle-back-to-school-in-indonesia-quake-city-to-find-friends-idUSKCN1MI05S
Read more Children trickle back to school in Indonesia quake city to find friends